The Philosophy curriculum includes instruction in:
- Logic
- Ethics
- Social-political philosophy
- Philosophy of law
- Theory of knowledge
- Philosophy of science
- Continental philosophy
- Metaphysics
- History of ancient and modern philosophy
- Philosophy of religion
Philosophy is an excellent major to pair with another discipline. Many students double-major in political science, psychology, neuroscience, economics, math, business and education.
Tailor this major to your interests by taking one of these courses as you pursue your degree:
HUM 101:
Introduction to Western Civilization 1
Presents the high points of Greco-Roman and Medieval European civilizations: their art, architecture, philosophy, religion, literature and music.
HUM 112:
Humanities of Greece
Presents the art, architecture, philosophy, religion, literature, and history of Greece.
HUM 107:
The Humanities of Egypt
This course will focus on the cultural history of Egypt from ancient until modern times.
PHIL 100:
Problems of Philosophy
An elementary examination of such philosophical problems as the mind-body problem, the existence of God, freedom and determinism, and the nature of persons and their knowledge.
PHIL 120:
Introduction to Ethics
Topics include the nature of the good life, whether ethics is relative or there are universal moral truths, the relationship between self- interest and morality, virtues and vices, and the nature of right and wrong.
PHIL 248:
History of Modern Philosophy
A study of selected writings by major philosophers of the Western world from Descartes to Kant.
PHIL 285:
Ethics Bowl
Students learn skills related to researching, planning, and presenting oral and written arguments on various contemporary ethical debates. Students also prepare to compete in an ethics bowl competition.
PHIL 302:
Theory of Knowledge
The nature and scope of human knowledge. Topics may include perception, belief, truth, evidence, certainty, and skepticism.
PHIL 491:
Professional Field Experience
Prearranged experiential learning program, to be planned, supervised, and evaluated for credit by faculty and field supervisors. Involves temporary placement with public or private enterprise for professional competence development.
Take advantage of special options related to this major:
3+3 Program
This major is eligible for the that allows qualified students to earn a bachelor’s degree and law degree in six years instead of seven
Expand your curiosity — and enhance your curriculum — through the ÌÇÐÄVlog Honors College. Two programs are offered: for first-
and second-year students and for third- and fourth-year students.